Lehigh offers an accelerated program for students who want to be elementary or secondary teachers. The College of Education's teacher certification and degree programs are built upon the premise that expert teaching occurs at the intersection of discipline-specific knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. Good teachers know how to adapt their instruction accordingly to ensure that each child is learning. For this reason -- and unlike other four-year undergraduate education programs -- Lehigh's master's-level teacher education program is in addition to (not in place of) the depth and breadth of coursework required to complete a bachelor's degree in a discipline-specific area. However, if you're working toward the completion of a bachelor's degree in the College of Arts and Sciences, you can shorten the time it takes for you to add a master's and teacher certification from two years to just one additional year. You graduate in four years with a B.A. or B.S. and an M.Ed. one year later.
Lehigh's 5-year Bachelor's plus Master of Education and Teacher Certification Program begins in the spring semester of the sophomore year with a 3-credit initial course in either child development or inclusionary practice. During the junior year, 5-year students take an additional 3 education credits (typically in the fall) in classroom management and practice. In the senior year, students complete a year-long core skills course sequence while also completing two teaching methods courses (12 credits total). After graduating with their bachelor's, students continue their master's and certification program with coursework in the summer (12 credits), fall (9 credits), and round out their experience in the spring with student teaching and the student teaching seminar (3-6 credits). All of our teacher education courses explore best practices in evidence-based teaching and learning carefully designed to integrate real-word classroom experiences. The actual number of credits required will vary depending on undergraduate degree and area of certification selected by the candidate.
The College of Education is accredited by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to certify general education teachers in the following areas:
- Elementary PreK-4
- Environmental Education K-12
- Secondary Biology 7-12
- Secondary Chemistry 7-12
- Secondary Earth and Space Science 7-12
- Secondary English 7-12
- Secondary General Science 7-12
- Secondary Mathematics 7-12
- Secondary Physics 7-12
- Secondary Social Studies 7-12
Detailed information can be found on the College of Education's website at https://ed.lehigh.edu/.